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Microsoft Excel & Word vs Google Sheets & Docs

Using Microsoft Excel & Word vs Google Sheets & Docs
Was trying to work with a giant tech company on SEO and they are still use Excel and MS Word with a database server that you have to manually ‘check in’ a document, edit it, suggest changes, make changes… and then ‘check it’ back in.
Meanwhile no one knows what the updated doc is, where it is, or when it will be back, and people forgetting to check in or check that it’s checked in…. NIGHTMARE.
GOOGLE SHEETS! GOOGLE DOCS! USE THEM! Come forth to the digital age and escape using a club to hunt for food.
When I asked them why they don’t just use Google docs and sheets the response was “That’s just the way we’ve always done it…” – I tried to impress the convenience of the change, and after multiple attempts I got a cold shoulder and cold “Look, we just aren’t going to use Google docs, this is what everyone is used to”.
There was like 50+ people in the company suffering needlessly on this process, makes me sad.
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